Judith 8:5
Cross References

And she made herself a private chamber in the upper part of her house, in which she abode shut up with her maids.

Judith 8:3
For he was standing over them that bound sheaves in the field; and the heat came upon his head, and he died in Bethulia his own city, and was buried there with his fathers.

Judith 8:4
And Judith his relict was a widow now three years and six months.

Judith 8:6
And she wore haircloth upon her loins, and fasted all the days of her life, except the sabbaths, and new moons, and the feasts of the house of Israel.

Judith 8:7
And she was exceedingly beautiful, and her husband left her great riches, and very many servants, and large possessions of herds of oxen, and flocks of sheep.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

And she made herself a private chamber in the upper part of her house, in which she abode shut up with her maids.

Judith 8:3
For he was standing over them that bound sheaves in the field; and the heat came upon his head, and he died in Bethulia his own city, and was buried there with his fathers.

Judith 8:4
And Judith his relict was a widow now three years and six months.

Judith 8:6
And she wore haircloth upon her loins, and fasted all the days of her life, except the sabbaths, and new moons, and the feasts of the house of Israel.

Judith 8:7
And she was exceedingly beautiful, and her husband left her great riches, and very many servants, and large possessions of herds of oxen, and flocks of sheep.

Judith 8
4And Judith his relict was a widow now three years and six months. 5And she made herself a private chamber in the upper part of her house, in which she abode shut up with her maids. 6And she wore haircloth upon her loins, and fasted all the days of her life, except the sabbaths, and new moons, and the feasts of the house of Israel.…

(J Ju Jud Jdth)

Judith 8:4
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