Judith 11:10
Cross References

Moreover also a famine hath come upon them, and for drought of water they are already to be counted among the dead.

Judith 11:8
For it is certain that our God is so offended with sins, that he hath sent word by his prophets to the people, that he will deliver them up for their sins.

Judith 11:9
And because the children of Israel know they have offended their God, thy dread is upon them.

Judith 11:11
And they have a design even to kill their cattle, and to drink the blood of them.

Judith 11:12
And the consecrated things of the Lord their God which God forbade them to touch, in corn, wine, and oil, these have they purposed to make use of, and they design to consume the things which they ought not to touch with their hands: therefore because they do these things, it is certain they will be given up to destruction.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Moreover also a famine hath come upon them, and for drought of water they are already to be counted among the dead.

Judith 11:8
For it is certain that our God is so offended with sins, that he hath sent word by his prophets to the people, that he will deliver them up for their sins.

Judith 11:9
And because the children of Israel know they have offended their God, thy dread is upon them.

Judith 11:11
And they have a design even to kill their cattle, and to drink the blood of them.

Judith 11:12
And the consecrated things of the Lord their God which God forbade them to touch, in corn, wine, and oil, these have they purposed to make use of, and they design to consume the things which they ought not to touch with their hands: therefore because they do these things, it is certain they will be given up to destruction.

Judith 11
9And because the children of Israel know they have offended their God, thy dread is upon them. 10Moreover also a famine hath come upon them, and for drought of water they are already to be counted among the dead. 11And they have a design even to kill their cattle, and to drink the blood of them.…

(J Ju Jud Jdth)

Judith 11:9
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