Esther 16:4
Cross References

Neither are they content not to return thanks for benefits received, and to violate in themselves the laws of humanity, but they think they can also escape the justice of God who seeth all things.

Esther 16:2
Many have abused unto pride the goodness of princes, and the honour that hath been bestowed upon them:

Esther 16:3
And not only endeavour to oppress the king's subjects, but not bearing the glory that is given them, take in hand, to practise also against them that gave it.

Esther 16:5
And they break out into so great madness, as to endeavour to undermine by lies such as observe diligently the offices committed to them, and do all things in such manner as to be worthy of all men's praise,

Esther 16:6
While with crafty fraud they deceive the ears of princes that are well meaning, and judge of others by their own nature.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Neither are they content not to return thanks for benefits received, and to violate in themselves the laws of humanity, but they think they can also escape the justice of God who seeth all things.

Esther 16:2
Many have abused unto pride the goodness of princes, and the honour that hath been bestowed upon them:

Esther 16:3
And not only endeavour to oppress the king's subjects, but not bearing the glory that is given them, take in hand, to practise also against them that gave it.

Esther 16:5
And they break out into so great madness, as to endeavour to undermine by lies such as observe diligently the offices committed to them, and do all things in such manner as to be worthy of all men's praise,

Esther 16:6
While with crafty fraud they deceive the ears of princes that are well meaning, and judge of others by their own nature.

Esther 16
3And not only endeavour to oppress the king's subjects, but not bearing the glory that is given them, take in hand, to practise also against them that gave it. 4Neither are they content not to return thanks for benefits received, and to violate in themselves the laws of humanity, but they think they can also escape the justice of God who seeth all things. 5And they break out into so great madness, as to endeavour to undermine by lies such as observe diligently the offices committed to them, and do all things in such manner as to be worthy of all men's praise,…

(Est Esth. Es)

Esther 16:3
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