2 Maccabees 12:24
Good News Translation
Timothy himself was captured by the troops of Dositheus and Sosipater. But he was very shrewd and managed to convince them that many of their relatives were his prisoners and would be put to death if anything happened to him.

New Revised Standard Version
Timothy himself fell into the hands of Dositheus and Sosipater and their men. With great guile he begged them to let him go in safety, because he held the parents of most of them, and the brothers of some, to whom no consideration would be shown.

Contemporary English Version
The soldiers under the command of Dositheus and Sosipater caught up with Timothy himself, who very cleverly said, "Many of your parents and brothers and other relatives are my prisoners, and if you kill me, they will be shown no mercy."

New American Bible
Timothy himself fell into the hands of those under Dositheus and Sosipater; but with great cunning, he begged them to spare his life and let him go, because he had in his power the parents and relatives of many of them, and would show them no consideration.

Douay-Rheims Bible
And Timotheus himself fell into the hands of the band of Dositheus and Sosipater, and with many prayers he besought them to let him go with his life, because he had the parents and brethren of many of the Jews, who, by his death, might happen to be deceived.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

And Timotheus himself fell into the hands of the band of Dositheus and Sosipater, and with many prayers he besought them to let him go with his life, because he had the parents and brethren of many of the Jews, who, by his death, might happen to be deceived.

2 Maccabees 12:22
But when the first band of Judas came in sight, the enemies were struck with fear, by the presence of God, who seeth all things, and they were put to flight one from another, so that they were often thrown down by their own companions, and wounded with the strokes of their own swords.

2 Maccabees 12:23
But Judas pursued them close, punishing the profane, of whom he slew thirty thousand men.

2 Maccabees 12:25
And when he had given his faith that he would restore them according to the agreement, they let him go without hurt, for the saving of their brethren.

2 Maccabees 12:26
Then Judas went away to Carnion, where he slew five and twenty thousand persons.

2 Maccabees 12
23But Judas pursued them close, punishing the profane, of whom he slew thirty thousand men. 24And Timotheus himself fell into the hands of the band of Dositheus and Sosipater, and with many prayers he besought them to let him go with his life, because he had the parents and brethren of many of the Jews, who, by his death, might happen to be deceived. 25And when he had given his faith that he would restore them according to the agreement, they let him go without hurt, for the saving of their brethren.…
Cross References
2 Maccabees 12:22
But when the first band of Judas came in sight, the enemies were struck with fear, by the presence of God, who seeth all things, and they were put to flight one from another, so that they were often thrown down by their own companions, and wounded with the strokes of their own swords.

2 Maccabees 12:23
But Judas pursued them close, punishing the profane, of whom he slew thirty thousand men.

2 Maccabees 12:25
And when he had given his faith that he would restore them according to the agreement, they let him go without hurt, for the saving of their brethren.

2 Maccabees 12:26
Then Judas went away to Carnion, where he slew five and twenty thousand persons.

(2 M 2M 2Mac Mac maca macc 2macc IImac Imacc II mac)

2 Maccabees 12:23
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