2 Maccabees 11:4
Good News Translation
Lysias was so pleased with his tens of thousands of infantry, his thousands of cavalry, and his eighty elephants that he failed to take into account the power of God.

New Revised Standard Version
He took no account whatever of the power of God, but was elated with his ten thousands of infantry, and his thousands of cavalry, and his eighty elephants.

Contemporary English Version
Lysias took great pride in his army that had tens of thousands of soldiers, as well as thousands of cavalry troops and 80 elephants. But he completely forgot about the power of God.

New American Bible
He did not take God’s power into account at all, but felt exultant confidence in his myriads of foot soldiers, his thousands of cavalry, and his eighty elephants.

Douay-Rheims Bible
Never considering the power of God, but puffed up in mind, and trusting in the multitude of his foot soldiers, and the thousands of his horsemen, and his fourscore elephants.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Never considering the power of God, but puffed up in mind, and trusting in the multitude of his foot soldiers, and the thousands of his horsemen, and his fourscore elephants.

2 Maccabees 11:2
Gathered together fourscore thousand men, and all the horsemen, and came against the Jews, thinking to take the city, and make it a habitation of the Gentiles:

2 Maccabees 11:3
And to make a gain of the temple, as of the other temples of the Gentiles and to set the high priesthood to sale every year:

2 Maccabees 11:5
So he came into Judea, and approaching to Bethsura, which was in a narrow place, the space of five furlongs from Jerusalem, he laid siege to that fortress.

2 Maccabees 11:6
But when Machabeus, and they that were with him, understood that the strong holds were besieged, they and all the people besought the Lord with lamentations and tears, that he would send a good angel to save Israel.

2 Maccabees 11
3And to make a gain of the temple, as of the other temples of the Gentiles and to set the high priesthood to sale every year: 4Never considering the power of God, but puffed up in mind, and trusting in the multitude of his foot soldiers, and the thousands of his horsemen, and his fourscore elephants. 5So he came into Judea, and approaching to Bethsura, which was in a narrow place, the space of five furlongs from Jerusalem, he laid siege to that fortress.…
Cross References
2 Maccabees 11:2
Gathered together fourscore thousand men, and all the horsemen, and came against the Jews, thinking to take the city, and make it a habitation of the Gentiles:

2 Maccabees 11:3
And to make a gain of the temple, as of the other temples of the Gentiles and to set the high priesthood to sale every year:

2 Maccabees 11:5
So he came into Judea, and approaching to Bethsura, which was in a narrow place, the space of five furlongs from Jerusalem, he laid siege to that fortress.

2 Maccabees 11:6
But when Machabeus, and they that were with him, understood that the strong holds were besieged, they and all the people besought the Lord with lamentations and tears, that he would send a good angel to save Israel.

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2 Maccabees 11:3
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