How Pleasant to Live in Harmony!
(1 Corinthians 1:10–17; Ephesians 4:1–16)
1A song of high degrees (made) of Dauid. Beholde howe good and howe pleasaunt a thing it is: that brethren dwel together in vnitie.
2It is lyke vnto a pretious oyntment powred vpon the head, which runneth downe vpon the beard, euen vpon Aarons beard: which also runneth downe vpon the skyrtes of his garmentes.
3It is also like vnto the deawe of Hermon: whiche falleth downe vpon the hyll of Sion. (133:4) For God hath commaunded his blessing: and life euerlasting to be where is suche concorde.