Acts 10:42
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Acts 10:42 And He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that He is the One appointed by God to judge the living and the dead.

BSB:  And He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that He is the One appointed by God to judge the living and the dead.
KJV:  And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead.
DRB:  And he commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is he who was appointed by God, to be judge of the living and of the dead.
DBT:  And he commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that he it is who was determinately appointed of God to be judge of living and dead.
ERV:  And he charged us to preach unto the people, and to testify that this is he which is ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead.
WBT:  And he commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is he who was ordained by God to be the Judge of the living and the dead.
WEB:  He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that this is he who is appointed by God as the Judge of the living and the dead.
YLT:  and he commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify fully that it is he who hath been ordained by God judge of living and dead —
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Acts 10:41
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