Genesis 10:25
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Genesis 10:25 Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his days the earth was divided, and his brother was named Joktan.

BSB:  Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his days the earth was divided, and his brother was named Joktan.
KJV:  And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.
DRB:  And to Heber were born two sons: the name of the one was Phaleg, because in his days the earth was divided: and his brother's name Jectan.
DBT:  And to Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg, for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.
ERV:  And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.
WBT:  And to Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg, for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.
WEB:  To Eber were born two sons. The name of the one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided. His brother’s name was Joktan.
YLT:  And to Eber have two sons been born; the name of the one is Peleg (for in his days hath the earth been divided,) and his brother's name is Joktan.
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Genesis 10:24
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