Wesley's Remarkable vitality
1752. Sunday, March 15 (London). -- While I was preaching at West Street in the afternoon, there was one of the most violent storms I ever remember. In the midst of the sermon a great part of a house opposite to the chapel was blown down. We heard a huge noise but knew not the cause; so much the more did God speak to our hearts, and great was the rejoicing of many in confidence of His protection. Between four and five I took horse, with my wife and daughter. The tiles were rattling from the houses on both sides, but they hurt not us. We reached Hayes about seven in the evening, and Oxford the next day.

Thursday, April 16. -- I walked over to Burnham. I had no thought of preaching there, doubting if my strength would allow of preaching always thrice a day, as I had done most days since I came from Evesham. But finding a house full of people, I could not refrain. Still the more I use my strength, the more I have. I am often much tired the first time I preach in a day; a little the second time; but after the third or fourth, I rarely feel either weakness or weariness.

Wednesday, 2. -- I rode to Grimsby. The crowd was so great in the evening that the room was like an oven. The next night I preached at the end of the town, whither almost all the people, rich and poor, followed me; and I had a fair opportunity of closely applying that weighty question, "Lord, are there few that be saved?" [Luke 13:23]

Friday, 24. -- We rode by a fine seat; the owner of which (not much above fourscore years old) says he desires only to live thirty years longer: ten to hunt, ten to get money (having at present but twenty thousand pounds a year), and ten years to repent. Oh, that God may not say unto him, "Thou fool, this night shall thy soul be required of thee!" [Luke 12:20]

When I landed at the quay in Hull, it was covered with people inquiring, "Which is he? Which is he?" But they only stared and laughed; and we walked unmolested to Mr. A -- -s house.

I was quite surprised at the miserable condition of the fortifications; far more ruinous and decayed than those at Newcastle, even before the rebellion. It is well there is no enemy near.

wesleys impressions of scotland
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