This is the Day of Light


Johann M. Spiess, 1745

John Ellerton, 1867

This is the day of light:

Let there be light today;

O Day-spring, rise upon our night,

And chase its gloom away.

This is the day of rest:

Our failing strength renew;

On weary brain and troubled breast

Shed thou thy freshening dew.

This is the day of peace:

Thy peace our spirits fill;

Bid thou the blasts of discord cease,

The waves of strife be still.

This is the day of prayer:

Let earth to heaven draw near;

Lift up our hearts to seek thee there,

Come down to meet us here.

This is the first of days:

Send forth thy quickening breath,

And wake dead souls to love and praise,

O Vanquisher of death!


daily prayer the lords day 2
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