

Gen. xviii.19 103

Deut. iv.20 102

Isa. xi.3 133

" xliii.21 102

Ps. xxxii.8 6

" xxxvii.23 6, 103

" lvii.7 11

" cviii.1 11

" cxii.7 11

" cxlix.4 103

Matt. v.8 131

" v.16 136

Luke xviii.11-13 113

John iii.3 131

" xiii.34 8

" xiv.15 129

" xvii.3 66

" xvii.19 19

" xxi.16 129

Acts vii.2 94

" vii.60 113

" ix.40 113

" xi.23 59

" xx.36 113

Rom. i.4 104

" i.16 104

" iii.23 95

" v.1 22

" v.2 95

" vi.4 94

" vii.22 117

" xv.7 95

1 Cor. i.18 104

" ii.8 94

" v.20 103

" vi.11 35

2 Cor. iii.17, 18 117

" iv.16 117

Eph. i.1-14 92, 96

" i.15-19 91

" iii.14 94

" iii.14-19 111

" iv.1 64

" iv.3 82

" vi.12 76

" vi.22 81

Phil. i.9-11 127

" i.27 64

" iii.10 66

" iv.7-9 22

" iv.14-18 128

Col. i.3-6 58

" i.9-12 57

" i.15 87

" i.18-20 87

" i.20 22

" i.27 87

" ii.1, 2 75

" ii.3 87

" iv.12 76

1 Thess. i.5 85

" ii.2 35

" ii.12 31, 64

" iii.9 35

" iii.11-13 3

" iv.7 31

" v.23, 24 17, 31

2 Thess. i.10 103

" i.11, 12 29

" ii.14 31

" ii.17 81

" iii.16 41

1 Tim. vi.12 76

2 Tim. iv.7 76

Heb. vi.11 58

" x.22 85

" xiii.9 11

1 Pet. i.22 129

" iii.7 77

2 Pet. i.7 8

1 John ii.12-14 60, 98

" ii.20 99

" v.20 99


Advent, Second, 24, 30, 136.

Aspiration, 33.

Assurance, 84 f., 137.

Brotherly love, 8, 51, 83, 120, 128.

Called of God, 31, 100.

Character, 133.

Christ, Deity of, 5, 87.

Conscience, peace of, 50.

Devotion, need of, 70.

Endurance, 46, 66.

Faithfulness, Divine, 25.

Family life, 114.

Glory of God, 94.

Grace, 35 f.

Heart, in Scripture, 42, 81, 99, 117.

Holiness, 10, 18.

Joy, Christian, 67.

Knowledge, spiritual, 60 f., 84, 86, 97 f., 121, 131.

Leading, Divine, 6, 48.

Love, God's, to us, 43, 119.

Love, our, to Him, 44, 129.

Ministry, the Apostolic, 112.

Others, concern for, 58.

Patience of Christ, 45.

Peace, 22 f., 52 f.

Peculium, God's, 102.

Persecution, 30.

Power, Divine, 104.

Prayer, practical value of, 17, 57, 75.

Prayer, a thing of labour, 76.

" for others, 79, 127 f.

" sympathetic, 80.

Preservation, Divine, 19 f., 50.

Reverence, 113.

Sincerity, 134.

Spirit, the Divine, 49, 96, 116.

Trinity, the, 92.

Unity, spiritual, 82.

Walk, the Christian, 64.

Weathercock, Spurgeon's, 44.

Word, importance of the, 49.

Worthy, counted, 32.

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