Stations of the China Inland Mission


The best guide to the stations of the Mission is the new China Inland Mission Map (size 44 x 38 in., mounted on linen, coloured, varnished, and hung on rollers), price 8s. net, carriage and packing extra. Mounted to fold, 8s. net, post free.

Provinces.[4] Stations.[5] WORK BEGUN.

=Kan-suh=, 1876 LIANG-CHAU 1888 SI-NING 1885
Area,[6] 125,450 square miles. FU K'IANG FOOTNOTES:

[4] Arranged in three lines from west to east, for easy reference to Map. The dates in this column in many cases are of itinerations begun.

[5] Capitals of Provinces in capital letters; of Prefectures in small capitals; and of Counties in romans; Market Towns in italics.

[6] Areas and populations are from The Statesman's Year Book.


Printed by R. & R. CLARK, LIMITED, Edinburgh.

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Transcriber's Notes:

Page 109, "my" changed to "My" (My marriage had been)

Page 125, ending ) added. (Miss Bausum (afterwards Mrs. Barchett)); in)

Page 129, format of "God" was changed to "GOD" to match rest of usage. (goodness of GOD)

Possible nconsistencies in spelling of Chinese names were retained such as Bhamo and Bhamo.

chapter xx the mission in
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