The Works of Irenaeus

A. Refutation and Overthrow of the Knowledge Falsely So Called (Adversus Haereses)


Erasmus. Basel, 1526.

Feuardent. Cologne, 1596.

Latin and Greek:

Grabe, J. E., Oxford, 1702.

Massuet, R., Paris, 1710 (the Benedictine edition, reprinted in Migne, Patrologia Graeca, Vol. VII, Paris, 1857).

Stieren, A. Leipzig, 1848-1853.

Harvey, W. W., Cambridge, 1857.

A. Harnack's judgment is worth quoting: "In the year 1702 appeared Grabe's good edition, in 1710 . . . the outstanding one of Massuet" (Die Pfaff'schen Irenäus-Fragmente, Texte und Untersuchungen, Vol. XX.3, p.11, Leipzig, 1900). The present translation is based on Harvey's edition, but the chapter and section divisions are given as in Massuet (and the Roberts and Rambaut translation).


Irenaeus gegen die Häretiker . . . Buch IV und V in armenischer Version, entdeckt von Lic.Dr.Karapet Ter-Mekerttschian, hrsgeg. von Lic. Dr. Erwand Ter-Minassiantz, Texte und Untersuchungen, Vol. XXXVI.3. Leipzig, 1913.

Holl, K. Armenische Irenaeusfragmente, mit deutscher Übersetzung nach Dr. W. Lüdtke, Texte und Untersuchungen, Vol. XXXVI.3. Leipzig, 1913.

Modern Translations -- English:

Roberts, Alexander, and Rambaut, W. H., The Writings of Irenaeus (Ante-Nicene Christian Library, Vols. V and IX) (careful and literal). Edinburgh, 1868-1869.

Hitchcock, F. R. Montgomery, The Treatise of Irenaeus of Lugdunum Against the Heresies, 2 vols. (extracts and summaries). London, 1912.


Saint Irénée (Pensée chrétienne) (extracts and summaries). Paris, 1905.


Klebba, E., Der hl. lrenaeus (in Bibliothek der Kirchenväter), 2 vols. Kempten, 1912.

B. The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching


Ter-Mekerttschian, K., and Ter-Minassiantz, E., Des heiligen Irenaeus Schrift zum Erweise der apostolischen Verkündigung, Texte und Untersuchungen, Vol. XXXI.1 (with German translation). Leipzig, 1907.

Modern Translations:

Faldati, U., Esposizione della predicazione apostolica (Scrittori cristiani antichi 6). Rome, 1923.

Robinson, J. Armitage, St. Irenaeus, The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching (an unpretentious but outstanding piece of scholarship, with an introduction valuable for some easily neglected aspects of Irenaeus such as his doctrine of the Holy Spirit). London, 1920.

Weber, S., Sancti Irenaei demonstratio apostolicae praedicationis. Freiburg, 1917.

Works on Irenaeus

Beuzart, P., Essai sur la théologie d'Irénée. Paris, 1908.

Bonwetsch, N., Die Theologie des Irenaeus. Gütersloh, 1925.

Dodwell, Henry, Dissertationes in Irenaeum (still valuable, especially for the life of Irenaeus). Oxford, 1689.

Dufourcq, A., St. Irénée (Les Saints) (a helpful brief introduction). Paris, 4th ed., 1926.

Hitchcock, F. R. Montgomery, Irenaeus of Lugdunum, A Study of His Teaching (a careful if somewhat pedestrian account). Cambridge, 1914.

Klebba, E., Die Anthropologie des hl. Irenaeus. Mülnster, 1894.

Lawson, J., The Biblical Theology of Saint Irenaeus, Epworth, London, 1948.

Loofs, Friedrich, Theophilus v. Antiochien Adversus Marcionem und die anderen theologischen Quellen bei Irenaeus, Texte und Untersuchungen, Vol. XLVI.2. Leipzig, 1930.

Lundström, Sven, Neue Studien zur Lateintschen Irenäusübersetzung, Lund Universitets Arsskrift, XLIV.8, Lund, 1948.

Some References on Irenaeus and Gnosticism

Aulén, G., Christus Victor, tr. A. G. Hebert. S.P.C.K., London, 1931.

Burkitt, F. C., Church and Gnosis, A Study of Christian Thought and Speculation in the Second Century. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1932.

More, Paul Elmer, Christ the Word (The Greek Tradition, Vol. IV) (Ch. II, "The Setting of Gnosticism"). Princeton, 1927.

Thornton, L. S., Revelation and the Modern World. Black, London, 1950.

See general references in bibliography for Justin Martyr, and Bardenhewer, O., Geschichte der altkirchlichen Literatur, Vol. I, 3d ed., Freiburg, 1913 (Irenaeus, pp.399-430), and Quasten, J., Patrology, Vol. I, pp.287-313.

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