Questions to Unbelief.
John Newton


Questions to unbelief.

If to Jesus for relief

My soul has fled by prayer;

Why should I give way to grief,

Or heart-consuming care?

Are not all things in his hand?

Has he not his promise past?

Will he then regardless stand

And let me sink at last?

While I know his providence

Disposes each event;

Shall I judge by feeble sense,

And yield to discontent?

If he worms and sparrows feed,

Clothe the grass in rich array;
Mt 6:26-30

Can he see a child in need,

And turn his eye away?

When his name was quite unknown,

And sin my life employed;

Then he watched me as his own,

Or I had been destroyed:

Now his mercy-seat I know,

Now by grace am reconciled;

Would he spare me while a foe,
Rom 5:10

To leave me when a child?

If he all my wants supplied

When I disdained to pray;

Now his Spirit is my guide,

How can he say me nay?

If he would not give me up,

When my soul against him fought;

Will he disappoint the hope,

Which he himself has wrought?

If he shed his precious blood

To bring me to his fold;

Can I think that meaner good
Rom 8:32

He ever will withhold?

Satan, vain is thy device!

Here my hope rests well-assured,

In that great redemption-price,

I see the whole secured.

hymn 37 i will trust
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