To Promote Unity of view
To promote unity of view, I deem it best, especially as much of the chronological order must remain uncertain, to treat and divide Christ's public ministry, first, according to its substantial connexion, and, secondly, according to its chronological connexion. sBOOK V. THE PUBLIC MINISTRY OF CHRIST ACCORDING TO ITS CHRONOLOGICAL CONNEXION. PART I. FROM THE COMMENCEMENT OF HIS MINISTRY TO THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY. cSection 108. Differences of Chronology.IN comparing the first three Gospels with John, we find several discrepancies in regard both to the chronology of the narrative and to the theatre of Christ's labours.

Matthew, Mark, and Luke include but one feast of the Passover within the period of Christ's public ministry, while John's narrative embraces three or four. It may be enough to say in regard to this, that the former Gospels do not confine themselves to a chronological arrangement, and therefore we are entitled to draw no conclusion from the fact that the Passover is mentioned in them but once, and that towards the close of Christ's career upon earth. The facts narrated may have extended through several years, and yet the mention of the Pass. over feasts may have been omitted, as other chronological marks have been.

There is nothing in the first three Gospels to contradict the theory that Christ's ministry lasted for several years. Even in Luke himself [237] there is a passing remark which necessarily presupposes the occurrence of one Passover in the midst of that ministry. There is nothing, then, to invalidate John's account, which mentions the occurrence of several.


[237] Luke, vi., 1 the sabbaton deuteroproton, in connexion with the "ripe ears of corn."

b christs miracles wrought upon
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