To India for the Jubilee
But to the great surprise of many of her friends, and notwithstanding the remonstrances of some who feared she would not live to return to America, she determined to go to India to attend the Jubilee of the Methodist Mission, founded by the Rev. William Butler in 1856. In company with some missionaries under appointment to India she sailed from New York, November 6, 1906, just thirty-seven years from the time that she started out on her untried career. She spent eighteen months among old friends and old scenes in India, rejoicing in the great advance in numbers, intelligence and spirituality of the native Christians, and had the great pleasure of meeting again the young prince of Khetri and his sisters -- now orphans -- and of hearing from them of their mother's last days and of her continued love for the Bible, to which she had given so much attention while Dr. Swain was with her.

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