Return to Khetri
The isolation of their life in Khetri had been at times a great trial to both Dr. Swain and Miss Pannell, but they felt that they were where God wanted them to be and bore their privations bravely. However, at this time Dr. Swain wrote: "After eighteen months of the religious life of America and the many precious privileges enjoyed there, it seems harder to settle down to the life here. I miss the church services much more than I did when I was here before." At another time she wrote: "I have sometimes felt tempted to give up my work here, but then the thought comes to me that I can do more by remaining here, and paying the salary of a native preacher to do what I should never be able to do."

A second princess had been born during Dr. Swain's absence from Khetri. This occasioned close attendance at the palace, as the baby was delicate, and Dr. Swain had an opportunity for Bible study with the Rani who enjoyed nothing more than an hour of daily study of the Scriptures. The older princess, too, was ready with a new Bible verse every day, and a Sunday service was held in the Rani's apartments, at which the women of the court and their attendants were present. The Sunday Bible class at the home was not neglected; it increased in interest and numbers, some of the more intelligent of the Rajah's staff occasionally joining the company and listening with interest to the hymns and the reading of the Scriptures.

The birth of the prince and heir in January, 1893, was a time of great rejoicing and much ceremony. Offerings were made to the deities day after day, the poor were fed and presents given to the Brahmans. The Rani acknowledged her thankfulness to God by a donation, in the name of her little son, to Christian work, asking that the money be used to support an orphan in the mission to which Dr. Swain belonged.

second furlough
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