Henry Drummond's Works.
The Programme of Christianity. A New Address by Henry Drummond, to be issued uniform with the previous booklets. Price, 35 cents.

The Greatest Thing in the World. Leatherette, gilt top. Price, 35 cents. Illustrated Edition, cloth, price, [USD]1.00.

Pax Vobiscum. The Second of the Series of which "The Greatest Thing in the World" is the First. Leatherette, gilt top. Price, 35 cents; Illustrated Edition, cloth, [USD]1.00.

The Changed Life. An Address by Henry Drummond. The Third of the Series. Gilt top, leatherette. Price, 35 cents.

Natural Law in the Spiritual World, By Henry Drummond, F.R.S.E., F.G.S. Cloth, red top, title in gold, 458 pp. Price, 75 cents.

"First:" A Talk with Boys. An Address delivered at Glasgow to the Boys' Brigade. Paper cover, 10 cents; [USD]1.00 per dozen; leatherette, silver edges, 35 cents.

Baxter's Second Innings. A Book for Boys. Ready, 60 cents.

Author's Only Editions. For sale by all booksellers, or sent by mail on receipt of price.

End of Beautiful Thoughts, by Henry Drummond

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