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International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

ul'-a (`ulla' meaning unknown): An Asherite (1 Chronicles 7:39).

Strong's Hebrew
5925. Ulla -- an Asherite
... 5924, 5925. Ulla. 5926 . an Asherite. Transliteration: Ulla Phonetic
Spelling: (ool-law') Short Definition: Ulla. Word Origin of ...
/hebrew/5925.htm - 5k

"Disputatio Pro Declaratione virtutis Indulgentiarum. "
... 23. Si remissio ulla omnium omnino penarum potest alicui dari, certum est
eam non nisi perfectissimis, ie paucissimis, dari. 24. ...
/.../disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum.htm

The Interpretation of the Articles.
... magno consensu apud nos docent, Decretum Nicænæ Synodi, de unitate essentiæ divinæ
et de tribus personis, verum et sine ulla dubitatione credendum esse. ...
/.../ 81 the interpretation of.htm

Quænam De Procreatione Liberorum Tractanda Sint.
... ad nostram civitatem non navigat stultus parasitus, nec scortator libidinosus, qui
posteriori delectatur parte: non dolosa meretrix, nec ulla ejusmodi alia ...
/.../clement/the instructor paedagogus/chapter x name de procreatione.htm

... Atqui fine sub ultimo peccatrix anima stultitiam exuat: 35 saltem voce Deum concelebret,
si meritis nequit: hymnis continuet dies, nec nox ulla vacet, quin ...
//christianbookshelf.org/prudentius/the hymns of prudentius/praefatio.htm

Of the Way to Commence the Catechetical Instruction, and of the ...
... etc.; and adhibita rationi = the truth applied to our explanation. [1379]
Non tamen ornamenti seriem ulla immoderatione perturbans. ...
/.../augustine/on the catechising of the uninstructed/chapter 6 of the way to.htm

The True Thesaurus; to Wit, the Disputation Conducted in Carchar.. ...
... 10, it is Marsipus. [1456] Pietatis pretia. [1457] Nec numero aliquo nec discretione
ulla distinguit. For distinguit, some propose distribuit. ...
/.../1 the true thesaurus to.htm

Appendix ii.
... suæ conventiculo, magna et specialis ac plane personalis quædam sit Dei gratia,
adeo ut sine ullo labore, sine ullo studio, sine ulla industria, etiamsi nec ...
/.../vincent/the commonitory of vincent of lerins/appendix ii.htm

Canones Synodi Dordrechtanæ.
... Cum enim vix ulla remedii spes humanitus appareret, illustrissimis et præpotentibus
Belgii foederati ordinibus generalibus hanc mentem inspiravit, ut consilio ...
/.../canones synodi dordrechtanae.htm

... Ephraim. "Koshab Bar Ulla sometime got away to Lydda to Rabbi Josua Ben
Levi, dwelling there, when he fled from the Romans. The ...
/.../lightfoot/from the talmud and hebraica/chapter 16 lydda.htm

But we do not Purpose Delaying Further on this Part of the Subject ...
... [3929] The ms. followed by Hild. and Oehler, reads neque...in ulla cognatione--"
in no relationship," for which the other edd. give cognitione, as above. ...
/.../arnobius/the seven books of arnobius against the heathen/4 but we do not.htm

Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary

elevation; leaf; young child

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(yoke), an Asherite, head of a family in his tribe. (1 Chronicles 7:30) (B.C. about 1014.)

Ulla (1 Occurrence)
... Standard Bible Encyclopedia ULLA. ul'-a (`ulla' meaning unknown): An Asherite (1
Chronicles 7:39). Multi-Version Concordance Ulla (1 Occurrence). ...
/u/ulla.htm - 6k

Arah (3 Occurrences)
... ARAH. a'-ra ('arach, "traveler"?): (1) The son of Ulla, an Asherite (1 Chronicles
7:39). ... 1 Chronicles 7:39 The sons of Ulla: Arah, and Hanniel, and Rizia. ...
/a/arah.htm - 7k

Hanniel (2 Occurrences)
... (2) A son of Ulla and a prince and hero of the tribe of Asher (1 Chronicles
7:39); the King James Version "Haniel.". Multi-Version Concordance ...
/h/hanniel.htm - 7k

Ultimately (1 Occurrence)

/u/ultimately.htm - 6k

Ulcers (2 Occurrences)

/u/ulcers.htm - 7k

Rezia (1 Occurrence)
... REZIA. re-zi'-a. See RIZIA. Multi-Version Concordance Rezia (1 Occurrence). 1
Chronicles 7:39 And the sons of Ulla; Arah, and Haniel, and Rezia. (KJV WBS YLT). ...
/r/rezia.htm - 6k

Rizia (1 Occurrence)
... Multi-Version Concordance Rizia (1 Occurrence). 1 Chronicles 7:39 The sons of Ulla:
Arah, and Hanniel, and Rizia. (WEB JPS ASV BBE DBY NAS NIV). ...
/r/rizia.htm - 6k

Rizi'a (1 Occurrence)
... Multi-Version Concordance Rizi'a (1 Occurrence). 1 Chronicles 7:39 And the sons
of Ulla: Arah, and Hanniel, and Rizia. (See RSV). Rizia, Rizi'a. Rizpah . ...
/r/rizi'a.htm - 6k

Han'niel (2 Occurrences)
... RSV). 1 Chronicles 7:39 And the sons of Ulla: Arah, and Hanniel, and Rizia.
(See RSV). Hanniel, Han'niel. Hanoch . Reference Bible.
/h/han'niel.htm - 6k

Haniel (1 Occurrence)
... HANIEL. han'-i-el. See HANNIEL. Multi-Version Concordance Haniel (1 Occurrence).
1 Chronicles 7:39 And the sons of Ulla; Arah, and Haniel, and Rezia. (KJV WBS). ...
/h/haniel.htm - 6k

Bible Concordance
Ulla (1 Occurrence)

1 Chronicles 7:39 The sons of Ulla: Arah, and Hanniel, and Rizia.



Ulla: An Asherite

Related Terms

Arah (3 Occurrences)

Hanniel (2 Occurrences)

Ultimately (1 Occurrence)

Ulcers (2 Occurrences)

Rezia (1 Occurrence)

Rizia (1 Occurrence)

Rizi'a (1 Occurrence)

Han'niel (2 Occurrences)

Haniel (1 Occurrence)

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