Offense: Old Prophet
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Faustus Abhors Moses for the Awful Curse He Has Pronounced Upon ...
... from Moses if he had been a prophet, unless he ... no more of his denunciation than of
an old wife's scolding ... mortality, it is a much more heinous offense to sully ...
/.../faustus abhors moses for the.htm

The Old and New Testaments have Many Things in Common -- Far More ...
... desolation." The term "abomination" is an Old Testament expression ... have already seen
that the False Prophet will have ... of the Lord Jesus was an offense to the ...
// antichrist/the old and new testaments.htm

John vi. 41, 42
... to them the truth, lest in removing one cause of offense He should ... saith some one,
"doth the Father draw?" This the Prophet explained of old, when he ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of st john and hebrews/homily xlvi john vi 41.htm

Instructions to Catechumens.
... see that it is not to eat, but to eat with offense, that is ... And speaking darkly of
this crushing, and this mystic cleansing, the prophet of old said, "Thou ...
/.../chrysostom/on the priesthood/instructions to catechumens.htm

The Typical Significance of the Scriptures Declare their Divine ...
... Though guilty of no offense, Abel was hated by his brother and cruelly ... He was the
only man mentioned in the Old Testament that was prophet, priest and king ...
/.../the divine inspiration of the bible/chapter six the typical significance.htm

Law and Grace.
... Moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound. ... John the Baptist was the
last prophet of the old dispensation"the last prophet under the law. ...
// grace/chapter v law and grace.htm

How Amaziah Made an Expedition against the Edomites and Amalekites ...
... of their age, and about twenty years old; and when ... the king to anger, and he commanded
the prophet to hold ... that he might be punished for his offense against him ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 9 how amaziah made.htm

The Ugly Thread in the Weaving.
... being discussed of John being the promised prophet, or Elijah ... Jesus and going back
again to their old way.[79 ... to the proper punishment for so serious an offense. ...
/.../gordon/quiet talks on johns gospel/the ugly thread in the.htm

That David Made Great Preparations for the House of God; and That ...
... Zadok the high priest, and Nathan the prophet, to do ... that he forgave him this his
offense; but said ... to be thirty-eight thousand, from thirty years old to fifty ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 14 that david made.htm

The Greatest Trial on Record
... be very foolish, but he would not be guilty of death for such an offense. ... his blessed
cheeks, and smite him, and then they play the old game again ... "Prophet! ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 9 1863/the greatest trial on record.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Kings 13:18-26
He said to him, I am a prophet also as you are; and an angel spoke to me by the word of the LORD, saying, Bring him back with you into your house, that he may eat bread and drink water. But he lied to him.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Offense: Aaron

Offense: All Things That Cause, Shall be Gathered out of Christ's

Offense: Balaam

Offense: Blessedness of not Taking, at Christ

Offense: Denunciation Against Those Who Cause

Offense: Gideon

Offense: Jeroboam

Offense: Ministers should be Cautious of Giving

Offense: Ministers should Remove That Which Causes

Offense: Occasions of, Forbidden

Offense: Occasions of, Must Arrive

Offense: Old Prophet

Offense: Persecution, a Cause of, to Mere Professors

Offense: Peter

Offense: Priests

Offense: Punishment for Occasioning

Offense: Saints should Avoid Those Who Cause

Offense: Saints should be Cautious of Giving

Offense: Saints should be Without

Offense: Saints should Cut off What Causes, to Themselves

Offense: Saints should Have a Conscience Void of

Offense: Saints should not Let Their Liberty Occasion, to Others

Offense: Saints should Reprove Those Who Cause

Offense: Saints should Use Self-Denial Rather than Occasion

Offense: Saints Warned Against Taking

Offense: Sons of Eli

Offense: The Wicked Take, At: Christ Crucified

Offense: The Wicked Take, At: Christ, As the Bread of Life

Offense: The Wicked Take, At: Christ, As the Corner-Stone

Offense: The Wicked Take, At: The Low Station of Christ

Offense: The Wicked Take, At: The Necessity of Inward Purity

Offense: The Wicked Take, At: The Righteousness of Faith

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