Oaths: Antiquity of
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And yet Let no one Think that we are Perversely Determined not to ...
... Triptolemus, Hercules, Æsculapius, and all the others, to whom the reverence of
antiquity dedicated magnificent ... [3936] Lit., "take the oaths of allegiance" or ...
/.../arnobius/the seven books of arnobius against the heathen/6 and yet let no.htm

The Jews Make all Ready for the War; and Simon, the Son of Gioras ...
... Funeral feasts are also mentioned as of considerable antiquity, Ezekiel 24:17; Jeremiah ...
next section, to admit none till they take tremendous oaths to perform ...
/.../chapter 22 the jews make.htm

Preface to Part ii. Of the Oxford Edition.
... of the two; and that the other could claim no higher antiquity than that ... Study of
the Scriptures, On Alms, On Anger and Gentleness, Against Oaths and Swearing ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/preface to part ii of.htm

Criticisms of the Doctrine of Non-Resistance to Evil by Force on ...
... and to take Refuge Behind the Authority of the Church, of Antiquity, and of ... with
war, courts of justice, capital punishment, divorce, oaths, national prejudice ...
/.../tolstoy/the kingdom of god is within you/chapter ii criticisms of the.htm

Book 1.
... have a little before made use of as a witness to our antiquity; I mean ... the priests
of Hellopolis, whose name was Osarsiph, and they took their oaths that they ...
//christianbookshelf.org/josephus/against apion/book 1.htm

Faustus is Willing to Admit that Christ May have Said that He came ...
... in which also you say that Christ completed the law given to these righteous men
of antiquity, I cannot be ... And what do you make of the oaths of the apostle? ...
/.../faustus is willing to admit.htm

... Judaism, in sharp contrast with the idolatrous nations of antiquity, was like ... wore
white garments, rejected animal food, bloody sacrifices, oaths, slavery, and ...
/.../schaff/history of the christian church volume i/section 9 judaism.htm

The Unclean Spirits.
... Greeks were the ghosts and genii of departed men." "All Pagan antiquity affirms,"
says Dr ... false divination in their sight, to them that have sworn oaths: but he ...
/.../bliss/a brief commentary on the apocalypse/the unclean spirits.htm

... victory"all these things bespeak for the document that relates them a high antiquity. ...
lxx.), of the place of fasting and the inviolability of oaths (1 Samuel ...
//christianbookshelf.org/mcfadyen/introduction to the old testament/samuel.htm

Of Atheistical Discourse.
... superseded: and yet we see none own God more in their oaths, than those ... may challenge
any ingenious man, to produce any writing of that antiquity, whose phrase ...
/.../allestree/the government of the tongue/section iii of atheistical discourse.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Genesis 14:22
And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up my hand to the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth,
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Genesis 24:3,8
And I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that you shall not take a wife to my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell:
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Oaths used for Binding to Performance of Any Particular Act

Oaths used for Binding to Performance of Sacred Duties

Oaths used for Confirming Covenants

Oaths used for Deciding Controversies in Courts of Law

Oaths used for Pledging Allegiance to Sovereigns

Oaths: Antiquity of

Oaths: Custom of Swearing by the Life of the King

Oaths: Expressions Used as As the Lord Liveth

Oaths: Expressions Used as As Thy Soul Liveth

Oaths: Expressions Used as Before God I Lie Not

Oaths: Expressions Used As by the Fear of Isaac

Oaths: Expressions Used As by the Lord

Oaths: Expressions Used as God do So to Thee and More Also

Oaths: Expressions Used as God do So to Thee, and More Also

Oaths: Expressions Used as God is Witness

Oaths: Expressions Used as I Call God for a Record

Oaths: Expressions Used as I Charge You by the Lord

Oaths: Expressions Used as The Lord do So to Me, and More Also

Oaths: God Used, to Show the Immutability of his Counsel

Oaths: Judicial from of Administering

Oaths: Often Accompanied by Placing the Hand Under the Thigh of The

Oaths: Often Accompanied by Raising up the Hand

Oaths: Rash: Herod

Oaths: Rash: Jephthah

Oaths: Rash: Joshua

Oaths: Rash: Saul

Oaths: Rash: The Jews Who Sought to Kill Paul

Oaths: The Jews: Condemned for False

Oaths: The Jews: Condemned for Profane

Oaths: The Jews: Fell Into Many Errors Respecting

Oaths: The Jews: Forbidden to Take False

Oaths: The Jews: Forbidden to Take in the Name of Any Created Thing

Oaths: The Jews: Forbidden to Take Rash, or Unholy

Oaths: The Jews: Forbidden to Take, in Name of Idols

Oaths: The Jews: Generally Respected the Obligation of

Oaths: The Jews: Often Guilty of Falsely Taking

Oaths: The Jews: Often Guilty of Rashly Taking

Oaths: The Jews: To Take, in Truth, Judgment

Oaths: The Jews: To Use God's Name Alone In

Oaths: The Lawful Purpose of, Explained

Oaths: To be Taken in Fear and Reverence

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