Mourning: Covering: The Upper Lip
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Blessed are they that Mourn
... Gospel-mourning is joined with self-loathing. ... The Hebrew doctors say, the leper
pronounced unclean was to put a covering on his upper lip, both as a mourner ...
/.../the beatitudes an exposition of matthew 51-12/6 blessed are they that.htm

The Sunlit Church
... We see her thrown on the earth a mourning mother, a ... sorrows, hideous foulnesses,
a gross ignorance covering all the ... it is doing its work on the upper layer all ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture h/the sunlit church.htm

"As Thy Days, So Shall Thy Strength Be"
... the daytime when we stand here upon the upper land; we ... and the cry of weeping, and
of mourning, and of ... stretch himself upon it; nor is the covering of Almighty ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/as thy days so shall.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Leviticus 13:45
And the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent, and his head bore, and he shall put a covering on his upper lip, and shall cry, Unclean, unclean.
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Ezekiel 24:17,22
Forbear to cry, make no mourning for the dead, bind the tire of your head on you, and put on your shoes on your feet, and cover not your lips, and eat not the bread of men.
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Micah 3:7
Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded: yes, they shall all cover their lips; for there is no answer of God.
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Mourning for Calamities and Other Sorrows: Ripping the Garments

Mourning for Nadab and Abihu Forbidden

Mourning for the Dead: Cutting the Flesh

Mourning for the Dead: Fasting

Mourning for the Dead: Head Uncovered

Mourning for the Dead: Lamentations

Mourning for the Dead: Lying on the Ground

Mourning for the Dead: Personal Appearance Neglected

Mourning: Abraham Mourned for Sarah

Mourning: Ashes Put on the Head

Mourning: Caused Ceremonial Defilement

Mourning: Covering: The Head and the Face

Mourning: Covering: The Upper Lip

Mourning: Cutting or Plucking off the Hair and Beard

Mourning: David's Lamentations Over: The Death of Abner

Mourning: David's Lamentations Over: The Death of Absalom

Mourning: David's Lamentations Over: The Death of Saul and his Sons

Mourning: Dressing in Black

Mourning: Dust on the Head

Mourning: Hired Mourners

Mourning: Jeremiah and the Singing Men and Singing Women Lament for Josiah

Mourning: Laying Aside Ornaments

Mourning: Laying the Hand on the Head

Mourning: Prevented offerings from Being Accepted

Mourning: Priests Prohibited, Except for the Nearest of Kin

Mourning: Sexes Separated In

Mourning: Sitting on the Ground

Mourning: The Egyptians Mourned for Jacob for Seventy Days

Mourning: The Israelites Mourned for Aaron for Thirty Days

Mourning: Walking Barefoot

Mourning: Wearing Mourning Clothes

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