Asceticism: The Practice of John the Baptist
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On the Organization of the Monks: Its Origin and Founders.
... Elias the prophet and John the Baptist were the authors, as some say ... constantly used
by the early Christian historians to signify the practice of asceticism. ...
/.../the ecclesiastical history of sozomenus/chapter xii on the organization of.htm

The Story of the Baptist, from his Last Testimony to Jesus to his ...
... Judaising Christians the, in itself indifferent, practice of circumcision ... when John
came with his stern asceticism, you felt ... it was the death of John the Baptist ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xxviii the story of.htm

Introductory Note
... led many of the orthodox to practice with extreme ... Carmel and of John Baptist in the
wilderness, approved ... encraty, and to restrain fanatical asceticism, was the ...
/.../tatian/tatians address to the greeks/introductory note.htm

... Ascension, 93, 123, 211. Asceticism, 185, 189, 233, 263. ... JOHN the Baptist, 147. John,
St., 45, 53, 63, 113. ... Political economy, 115, 261. Practice, 143, 267. ...
// thoughts /index 2.htm

The Historical Situation
... appear in his relations with John the Baptist ... in theory, but opportunists in practice,
accommodating themselves ... for separateness to the extreme of asceticism. ...
/.../rhees/the life of jesus of nazareth/i the historical situation.htm

The Argument for the Immaculate Conception.
... did also in their high estimate of asceticism and monasticism. ... the womb, like Jeremiah
(i.5) and John the Baptist ... far as the Roman in the practice of Mariolatry ...
/.../ 29 the argument for.htm

The Deputation from Jerusalem - the Three Sects of the Pharisees ...
... they submitted, not only to strict asceticism, but to ... a strange explanation of this
practice; perhaps, because ... the person, or the preaching of John the Baptist ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter ii the deputation from.htm

Index of Subjects.
... Asceticism, Catholic, [46]59 sq. Ascetics, Catholic, [47]166. ... Idolatry, the result
of apostacy, [411]261; did the Jews practice it? ... John the Baptist, [452]307. ...
/.../writings in connection with the donatist controversy /index of subjects.htm

Faustus Claims that the Manichæans and not the Catholics are ...
... of the Manichæans and praises the asceticism of Catholics. ... One can understand now
how John the Baptist, after ... for in one we reduce faith to practice, while in ...
/.../faustus claims that the manichaeans.htm

The Nuns of the Primitive Church
... on the moral aspect of primitive asceticism, its exaggerations ... even before the days
of John the Baptist. ... the aforesaid Gavina replied that the practice had come ...
/.../brittain/women of early christianity/vi the nuns of the.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Matthew 11:18
For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He has a devil.
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Luke 7:33
For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and you say, He has a devil.
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Asceticism: Extreme Application of Rebuked by Jesus

Asceticism: Extreme Application of Rebuked by Paul

Asceticism: The Practice of John the Baptist

Those Who Practiced Celibacy "For the Kingdom of Heaven's Sake"

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