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1594. eknepho -- to become sober (after drunkenness)
... seriousness), ie with the awareness of being responsibly aware; (figuratively) aroused
(awakened) out of the stupor of spiritual delusion (apathy); "to to ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/1594.htm - 7k

Examine Yourself Whether Ye be in the Faith; Prove Your Own Selves ...
... He may have apathy more or less complete and perfect, but apathy is very
different from peace. And very few professors of religion ...
/.../finney/lectures to professing christians/examine yourself whether ye be.htm

The Anti-Missionary Agitation.
... The Spirit of God touches and dissolves the apathy, melts the ice, breaks the stone,
and we see men alive unto God; "old things are passed away, behold all ...
/.../fagg/forty years in south china/x the anti-missionary agitation.htm

The Essential Elements of Christian Experience.
... The mind comes into a state in which spiritual truth frets and chafes it, and of
course it thoroughly inclines to spiritual apathy"choosing apathy, though ...
/.../finney/sermons on gospel themes/xxiv the essential elements of.htm

The Groups Round the Cross
... crowd the walls of the celestial city to look down at the spectacle; and, within
a yard of His sacred Person, the soldiers, in absolute apathy, gambling for ...
/.../stalker/the trial and death of jesus christ/chapter xiii the groups round.htm

Of the Perturbations of the Soul which Appear as Right Affections ...
... And if that is to be called apathy, where the mind is the subject of no emotion,
then who would not consider this insensibility to be worse than all vices? ...
/.../augustine/city of god/chapter 9 of the perturbations of.htm

... And let me proceed to say, that by resignation I mean not cold and sullen apathy,
or reckless hardihood, but a sweet trust and humble acquiescence, which show ...
//christianbookshelf.org/chapin/the crown of thorns/resignation.htm

The Necessity of Divine Influences.
... For one thing is certain, that this apathy and deadness will never of itself
generate sensibility and life. Satan never casts out Satan. ...
/.../shedd/sermons to the natural man/the necessity of divine influences.htm

Centenary Commemoration of the Consecration of Bishop Seabury. ...
... It is, therefore, easy to understand the apathy of government. But it is not
so easy to understand, and it is far less easy to justify ...
/.../centenary commemoration of the consecration.htm

... If, on the other hand, the prevailing apathy and neglect are due to ignorance of
the real character and value of the Old Testament, let as lose no time in ...
/.../kent/the origin and permanent value of the old testament/preface.htm

Have Long Pondered
... For, a part from yourself, wherever I turn my eyes, they fall on either the apathy
of the dullard or the jealousy of the shrewd, and a man who casts his ...
/.../boethius/the trinity is one god not three gods/i have long pondered.htm

Topical Bible Verses
Hebrews 6:4-6
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

2 Timothy 4:3-4
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

Romans 6:1-23
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?

Romans 4:20-25
He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;




Procrastination: Condemned by Christ

Procrastination: Danger of Illustrated

Procrastination: Elisha

Procrastination: Esther

Procrastination: Felix

Procrastination: General Scriptures Concerning

Procrastination: Lot

Procrastination: Motives for Avoiding: The Present the Accepted Time

Procrastination: Motives for Avoiding: The Present the Best Time

Procrastination: Motives for Avoiding: The Uncertainty of Life

Procrastination: Pharaoh

Procrastination: Saints Avoid

Procrastination: To be Avoided in Glorifying God

Procrastination: To be Avoided in Hearkening to God

Procrastination: To be Avoided in Keeping God's Commandments

Procrastination: To be Avoided in Making offerings to God

Procrastination: To be Avoided in Performance of Vows

Procrastination: To be Avoided in Seeking God

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