Babylon: Armies of, Described
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Habakkuk 1:7-9
They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Revolt of Babylon.
... the magian, as has already been described, and Darius ... If they had risen when his
armies were around him ... all the forces at his disposal, and advanced to Babylon. ...
// the great/chapter vii the revolt of.htm

The Doom of the Antichrist
... of the spirit in which the King of Babylon and his ... and in the full sight of his
countless armies, he is ... The overthrow of the Antichrist is described as follows ...
// antichrist/the doom of the antichrist.htm

The Seventh vision "In Heaven"
... This is the fire which will destroy Babylon as last. ... In xix.11-16 we have the Actions
described. ... C 14. His followers: "the armies of heaven." D 15, 16. ...
/.../bullinger/commentary on revelation/the seventh vision in heaven.htm

Palestine under Pagan Kings.
... Quintus Curtius, a Roman, has described the entrance of ... The doom of Babylon, with
that of the great ... hundred years before Christ, marched his armies against the ...
/.../headley/half hours in bible lands volume 2/palestine under pagan kings.htm

... of Abraham not only did Babylonian armies march to ... that the political condition of
Babylonia described in the ... or Khammurabi was allowed to rule at Babylon as a ...
/.../sayce/early israel and the surrounding nations/introduction.htm

"In the Volume of the Book it is Written of Me" (Heb. . .
... Shinar" is one of the names of Babylon (see Dan.1 ... His history and character are
described at much greater ... in his blatant challenge, "I defy the armies of Israel ...
// antichrist/in the volume of the.htm

Herodotus and Xenophon.
... himself in the command of armies, and in ... which they witnessed in their campaigns,
and described briefly the ... went still farther eastward to Assyria and Babylon. ...
/.../abbott/cyrus the great/chapter i herodotus and xenophon.htm

The Mystery
... the Christian people, by plagues described under the ... ye shall see Jerusalem encompassed
with armies, then know ... intimated by the overthrow of Babylon; when you ...
// key to the apocalypse/the mystery.htm

On Daniel. Iii. Scholia on Daniel.
... all these things, until he has in order described the four ... him as ruler over the
whole land of Babylon. ... of a mountain, but amid the powers and armies of angels ...
/.../the extant works and fragments of hippolytus/on daniel iii scholia on.htm

Chapter xiv
... contend that the historical situation here described is quite ... in question sovereign
also over Babylon, a fact ... attacking kings (or of their armies, perhaps, if ...
// of genesis volume 1/chapter xiv.htm



Babylon in the New Testament

Babylon in the Old Testament

Babylon was Called: Desert of the Sea

Babylon was Called: Lady of Kingdoms

Babylon was Called: Land of Merathaim

Babylon was Called: Land of Shinar

Babylon was Called: Land of the Chaldeans

Babylon was Called: Sheshach

Babylon with Media and Persia Divided by Darius 120 Provinces

Babylon: A Type of Antichrist

Babylon: Ambassadors of, Sent to Hezekiah

Babylon: Armies of, Described

Babylon: As a Power Was: An Instrument of God's Vengeance on Other Nations

Babylon: As a Power Was: Arrogant

Babylon: As a Power Was: Covetous

Babylon: As a Power Was: Cruel and Destructive

Babylon: As a Power Was: Grand and Stately

Babylon: As a Power Was: Oppressive

Babylon: As a Power Was: Secure and Self-Confident

Babylon: Babylon the Capital of Called Babylon the Great

Babylon: Babylon the Capital of Called Beauty of Chaldees

Babylon: Babylon the Capital of Called the City of Merchants

Babylon: Babylon the Capital of Called the Glory of Kingdoms

Babylon: Babylon the Capital of Called the Golden City

Babylon: Babylon the Capital of Enlarged by Nebuchadnezzar

Babylon: Babylon the Capital of Its Antiquity

Babylon: Babylon the Capital of Surrounded With a Great Wall and Fortified

Babylon: Babylon the Chief Province of

Babylon: City of Built by Nimrod

Babylon: City of Capital of the Kingdom of Babylon

Babylon: City of Gates of

Babylon: City of in the Land of Shinar

Babylon: City of Peter Writes From

Babylon: City of Prophecies Concerning

Babylon: City of Splendor of

Babylon: City of Tower of

Babylon: City of Walled

Babylon: Composed of Many Nations

Babylon: Destroyed by the Medes

Babylon: Empire of a Limited Monarchy

Babylon: Empire of Armies of, Invade Ancient Canaan

Babylon: Empire of At the Time of Ahasuerus

Babylon: Empire of Called Land of Shinar

Babylon: Empire of Colonists From, Sent to Samaria

Babylon: Empire of Conquest of Egypt By

Babylon: Empire of Divisions of

Babylon: Empire of Extent of, at the Time of Nebuchadnezzar

Babylon: Empire of Founded by Nimrod

Babylon: Empire of Jews Carried To

Babylon: Empire of Judah

Babylon: Empire of Merathaim

Babylon: Empire of Prophecies of Conquests By

Babylon: Empire of Prophetic Denunciations Against

Babylon: Empire of Samaria

Babylon: Empire of Sheshach

Babylon: Empire of Tyrannical

Babylon: Figurative

Babylon: Formerly a Part of Mesopotamia

Babylon: Founded by the Assyrians, and a Part of Their Empire

Babylon: Governed by Kings

Babylon: Grief of the Jews In

Babylon: Inhabitants of Addicted to Magic

Babylon: Inhabitants of Idolatrous

Babylon: Inhabitants of Profane and Sacrilegious

Babylon: Inhabitants of Wicked

Babylon: Languages Spoken In

Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar King of Besieged and Took Jerusalem

Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar King of Besieged Jerusalem

Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar King of Burned Jerusalem

Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar King of Made Jehoiakim Tributary

Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar King of Made Zedekiah King

Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar King of Rebelled Against by Zedekiah

Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar King of Spoiled and Burned the Temple

Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar King of Spoiled the Temple

Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar King of Took Jehoiachin Captive to Babylon

Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar King of Took Zedekiah Captive to Babylon

Babylon: Origin of

Babylon: Origin of the Name

Babylon: Predictions Respecting: Captivity of the Jews By

Babylon: Predictions Respecting: Conquests By

Babylon: Predictions Respecting: Destruction of

Babylon: Predictions Respecting: Perpetual Desolation of

Babylon: Predictions Respecting: Preaching of the Gospel In

Babylon: Predictions Respecting: Restoration of the Jews From

Babylon: Presidents Placed Over

Babylon: Remarkable For: Antiquity

Babylon: Remarkable For: Commerce

Babylon: Remarkable For: Manufacture of Garments

Babylon: Remarkable For: Military Power

Babylon: Remarkable For: National Greatness

Babylon: Remarkable For: Naval Power

Babylon: Remarkable For: Wealth

Babylon: Remarkable For: Wisdom of Senators

Babylon: Represented by a Great Eagle

Babylon: Represented by a Head of Gold

Babylon: Represented by a Lion With Eagle's Wings

Babylon: Restoration of the Jews From

Babylon: Revolt of the Jews From, and Their Punishment Illustrated

Babylon: Situated Beyond the Euphrates

Babylon: The Gospel Preached In

Babylon: The Jews Exhorted to be Subject To, and Settle In

Babylon: Treatment of the Jews In

Babylon: Watered by the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris

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